Cloud Cost Optimization

Increase Business Agility With Cloud Cost Optimization

Boost your operational efficiency, performance and cost-effectiveness with robust cloud resources.

Notch Up Your Digital Transformation with Cloud Cost Optimization

The paradigm shift of cloud adoption is more than just an approach. Where traditional on-premises solutions are restrictive and complex, the cloud shift opens up a new world of possibilities backed by scalability and simplified operation management. The best-integrated technology should help yield results rather than bogging with extra resources or costs. Cloud cost optimization is an approach to bag overarching features of the cloud without sinking under the weight of high costs and poor performance. 

Performance is the bloodline, Optimization is the heart of cloud computing, and cost reduction is necessary. At DG Consultancy, we underpin all these integral elements and ensure guaranteed saving on your cloud spend. In the age of unforeseen, unprecedented and uncertainty, we ingrain tactics, strategies and mechanics to help optimize cloud cost. We provide smooth and subsequent analysis, strategizing and implementation of Optimization aligning to the specific cloud infrastructure and meet your goals and needs. 

Reap the most from your investment and gain maximum value for money with cloud cost optimization—reduced costs, streamlined delivery, optimal performance, high security and reliability, everything. Leverage the benefits of the cloud while controlling costs with our cloud cost optimization services. Get most of the cloud and optimize for new heights. Let’s talk. 

Our process


We examine each nuance of cloud deployment, concentrating on focus reliability, performance and costs, by understanding bottlenecks, compliance gaps, unused capacity and areas of improvement. 


Drilling down numerous aspects of cloud infrastructure, we craft a concise strategy that turns into actionable plans to fine-tune your cloud architecture. 


Beyond architectural foundation, we meticulously engineer business-specific architectural principles that will ensure it’s cost-effective and efficient. We ingrain the best DevOps for automated cost-saving cloud management. 

“Flexsave gives us the savings benefits of compute commitments without requiring anything of my limited DevOps resources. As a result, we can devote our full attention toward building the best product for our customers.”

Improve Your Bottomline, Upgrade With Cloud Optimization Capabilities.

As per Gartner, an organization that lacks an appropriate cost optimization process would overspend about 40% on the cloud. Numerous factors contributed to unproductive spending. Whether it’s underutilised resources or under-exploited benefits of automation, DG Consultancy strongly holds cloud migration strategy, implementation, cost optimisation, and economic services. Our benchmarks lie in understanding the factors contributing to draining costs and implementing a coherent strategy that includes the entirety of your investment. We minimize return and maximise valuable operational efficiencies by leveraging modern techniques, design, security, and business domain capability.

DG Consultancy has a strong foothold in the industry for implementation, cost optimisation, and cloud economics services. We walk with the customer to understand their needs, requirements, infrastructure, and how they could manage their overall IT estate and operate optimally. Whether it’s Microsoft, AWS, Google, IBM, or Oracle, our goal is to provide top-tier services and efficiently deliver all projects.

Let’s get started

From optimizing costs to handling cloud migration, machine learning, and CloudOps, we’re here to simplify the public cloud experience while keeping expenses in check.
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